Council Grove
Council Grove is a rural community located in the heart of the Flint Hills, just 30 minutes south of Interstate 70. Our award-winning schools offer opportunities for a variety of interests. Our community features several parks, two recreational lakes, a Riverwalk, the Flint Hills Trail State Park, an aquatic center, fitness center, disc golf courses, and a 9-hole country club. Council Grove has a rich history with Main Street located right on the Santa Fe Trail. A critical access hospital with 24 hour emergency care covers a variety of medical needs, while a high speed fiber optic network puts the world at your fingertips. We love calling Council Grove home and invite you to join us!

2,182 Residents
5,573 in Morris County

$82,999 Median Home Price
$496/month Median Rental Price

Morris County Hospital-1 mile
Family Health Center of Morris County-1 mile
10 Religious Centers
Broadband provider

3 Community Centers
5 Local Parks
2 Swimming Pools
2 Large Trails
1 Golf Course

Childcare & Schools
10 Childcare and Preschool options
1 Elementary
1 Middle School
1 High School

Sales Tax: 9.2%
Top Employers:
USD 417 School District​
Morris County Hospital
TCT Solutions Center

Retail & Dining
12 Restaurants
1 Grocery Store
17 Retailers
4 Gas Stations

Distance to Regional Centers
Fort Riley: 45 miles
Junction City: 40 miles
Manhattan: 39 miles