Within the city of Morganville is a busy Farmers Coop Elevator used by the local farming community and a post office for incoming and outgoing mail needs. There are three shops located on Main Street for antique hunting, refurbished home furnishings and handcrafted wood items. Also located along Main Street is the Julie Thomas Memorial Library with a wide variety of reading available for children and adults and Polly's Ceramic Shop that offers ceramic classes for any age. The local ballpark is busy with summer practices and games along with a snack shack with yummy treats.

187 Residents
8,731 in Clay County

Nearest -12 miles Clay Center
Nearest Medical Professional or Clinic-12 miles Clay Center
1 Religious Center
Broadband provider:
Twin Valley

$58,902 Median Home Price
$604/month Median Rental Price

1 Community Center
1 Local Park

Childcare & Schools
2 Elementary-Clay Center
1 Middle School-Clay Center
1 High School-Clay Center

Sales Tax 7.5%
Top 3 Employers
USD 379
Ft. Riley

Retail & Dining
3 Retailers

Distance to Regional Centers
Fort Riley: 47 miles
Junction City: 47 miles
Manhattan: 50 miles